Thursday, June 30, 2011

Now that construction has begun within Suite 100 (Renschler/future KW), please refrain from entering the suite. Demolition is in full swing, electricians are working, etc. and it is not a safe environment. DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT PERMISSION. That means you. Yes, you. This request is comign directly from TWall. Please respect their wishes as they strive to meet important construction deadlines for our benefit.

Hello my friends....It's my birthday time again ...gosh it comes quicker every year! I don't really want to think it's another year gone by but I was raised that our birthdays were our very special days. What that means to me now??? It means that I want to be with my friends. So with that said, I would like to invite you to a happy hour to celebrate my birthday and a beautiful summer day in Wisconsin this Friday, July 1st (2 days early). Please just bring your great spirits, smiles, jokes and smart talk…no gifts… I look forward to seeing all of you. Let’s do Babe's out on the patio. This Friday, July 1st anytime from 3:00 on. Hope to see you there!!!! Kathy Zastrow

At 2:00 pm on Tuesday, July 5th, the first three banks of cublicles located between the Training Center and the Konica Minolta will be dismantled. The bank of cubicles nearest the windows be left standing for the time being. Agents with space in the first three banks MUST remove all personal items by 2:00 on Tuesday. Anything left behind will become trash. Please direct all questions to Sara.

REMINDER: KWRI is closed Monday, July 4th for the July 4th holiday.
Please email with any questions.

We all heard Jess at the team meeting last Tuesday on getting real on price.Well here is the first of many!
1545 Yellowcress in Valley Ridge has dropped from $234,700.0 to $214,900.00!!!
• Solid counter surfaces
• French doors to the deck
• Stainless appliances
• New carpeting
Come and get it!! Pete Macho,

From Jessica Fox--All signs point to a PHENOMENAL 3rd quarter. ARE YOU PREPARED TO MAKE THE MOST OF IT? Most Agents won't be! It is because of that we are bringing BOLD! to our market. BOLD is the ultimate boot camp to help you make the most of the second half of the year and to insure your winter isn't LONG and COLD.

So I am asking you to do WHATEVER you need to be available for THE FIRST STEP TO BOLD, Monday, July 11th. If you haven't registered yet, please do by visiting At this event, you will get a recharge for the second half of the year. In addition, they will be sharing the opportunity you have to enroll in the 8 week program.

Yes, there is a cost involved. But because we know the impact will be so great and critical to your success, the owners of our office are investing in you! We will be covering this opportunity at the event. Here are your options in advance:

Cost for First Step To Bold... $0 (In fact, we ask that you invite your friends in the business to take advantage as well!)

Cost to enroll in the BOLD Program on 7/11 $799, cost AFTER First Step $849

This tuition is FULLY reimbursed at $100 over your next 8 closings between GRADUATION and June 30th, 2012.

Can't think of how to come up with the cash??  Consider taking a "retainer" on a listing! Sell something you don't need! Ask a friend or family member to make an investment in you and your business.

We understand that some of us could be facing extraordinary financial stress that might prevent them from being part of the entire course, and at the same time this course is likely what will get you back on track. In those situations we have created a "HARDSHIP" loan to help you get into the program. Here are the details:

Write a letter or email about why you need the hardship loan, what your goals are and how committed you are to doing whatever it takes to execute a financial change.

Submit the letter to your Team Leader NO LATER THAN July 6th.

Your letter will be reviewed on Friday the 8th.

If selected your office will loan you $399 and you MUST come up with the other $400.

Your loan will be paid back to the market center at $100 over our next 4 closings.

No reimbursement for the program will be made to the student.


Looking forward to seeing you Monday the 11th if not before!

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